ACS Blog: Gulf Coast Hurricanes

On this blog, we will post information regarding the safety of our members and their friends and family, assistance offers or requests, and any other relevant information.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Dear Dr. Carroll,
Your letter of concern about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina on the ACS web site asked for suggestions about how ACS members can help.
  • I have posted the following on the American Physical Society web site for Katrina (
    High school seniors need your help. We are trying to open a branch campus of the Mississippi public residential high school for math and science, the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science
    ( It would be open to seniors who were in AP-type classes before Katrina and whose schools have been severely affected by this storm. These students would be dual-enrolled in high school classes and at Mississippi State University (MSU). This would allow them to have laboratory sciences during their senior high school year. Approval from the Director of MSMS, the Provost's office at MSU, and the MS Dept. of Education has been obtained.
  • Financial help: contribute to the Larry Croft scholarship fund at MSU College of Arts and Sciences ( .
  • Other help: volunteer administrators, teachers (sciences, mathematics, english, history, foreign languages, etc), or others (dorm RAs, cooks, bus drivers, physical education, physicial plant, etc). Please e-mail Prof. Mark Novotny, (office 662-325-2688, cell662-418-2688).
We are looking to serve in a residential setting hundreds of affected high school seniors for the remainder of the school year. If you think this request is worthwhile, please let the members of ACS know about it.

Thank you.

Mark A. Novotny
Prof. and Head
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Director; HPCC Center for Computational Sciences
Mississippi State University. P.O. Box 5167, 125 Hilbun Hall,
Mississippi State, MS 39762-5167


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